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Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading provider of cloud computing services and solutions. AWS offers a wide range of cloud-based services, including computing power, databases, storage, networks, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) and much more. These services enable companies and developers to create scalable and highly available applications and infrastructures without the cost and complexity of traditional data centers. AWS is available worldwide and is used by companies of all sizes and industries to drive innovation and optimize their IT infrastructure.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a provider of cloud computing services with a wide range of offerings, including computing power, storage, databases, artificial intelligence, IoT and more. AWS enables companies to create and operate scalable and highly available applications and infrastructures in the cloud. With security and compliance features, development and DevOps tools, and a global presence, AWS is a central platform for companies of all sizes and industries to optimize their IT infrastructure and drive innovation.


Samsung: Samsung uses AWS to develop and deliver applications and services related to smartphones and other products. Insights from AWS: AWS provides real-time data analytics for Formula 1 races, giving teams and spectators detailed insights into race strategies and performance. The partnership enables companies to offer scalable and secure cloud solutions, serve customers worldwide and grow their business. AWS provides a trusted platform with global reach and cost-effective solutions to support partners' success.

Dominik Baumann Managing Director
Sazinc GmbH
Sazinc GmbH
Sazinc GmbH