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Exclusive business trip: Experience Microsoft and HTGF up close

A trip with the business development agency of the district of Central Saxony and Teleskopeffekt GmbH. Join us on an exclusive entrepreneurial journey that offers insights into the world of technology and venture capital. On March 24, 2025, you will have the opportunity to visit Microsoft and the High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF). Use this opportunity to make valuable contacts, [...]

CARLO* Forum of Solutions - Securing the future through sustainability and innovation

Workbench32 Bahnhofstraße 32 - 09648 Mittweida

Welcome to the Carlo Forum in Mittweida! The Carlo* Forum is the meeting place for visionary ideas and exciting discussions on the future topics of our time under the heading: Building bridges and learning from each other. Why CARLO* anyway? CARLO* stands for Hans Carl von Carlowitz, the innovative founder of sustainability, who worked very close to Mittweida. [...]