Das Epizentrum der Finanzinnovation – Es geht in die nächste Runde: Der Bank Innovativ Tag 2025 – Das Event-Highlight der Banken- und Finanzbranche
When? 15. und 16. Juli 2025
Where? Workbench32 in Mittweida
Nach dem überwältigenden Erfolg des Bank Innovativ Tag 2024 können wir die 2025er Ausgabe kaum erwarten. Am 15. und 16. Juli 2025 treffen sich erneut führende Köpfe der Finanzbranche, Innovationstreibende und Vordenker*innen in der Werkbank32 in Mittweida📍.
Der Bank Innovativ Tag hat sich als führende Plattform für den Austausch über die Zukunft des Bankwesens etabliert. Und 2025 verspricht erneut, ein Highlight für alle zu werden, die die Zukunft des Bankings aktiv mitgestalten möchten.
✅Exklusive Einblicke von führenden Expert*innen: Keynotes, Panels, Diskussionen – aktuelle Informationen zu Trends, Ideen und Entwicklungen im Finanzsektor.
✅Wertvolles Networking: Knüpft Kontakte mit Branchenkolleg*innen und erweitert euer professionelles Netzwerk.
Publication will take place in Q1 2025.
🌟Our speakers and speakersPublication will also take place in Q1 2025. 🌟Your investmentEarly Bird Ticket: valid until 28.02.2025
Regular ticket: from 01.03.2025
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Find out why Bank Innovation Day is a real highlight every year and an absolute must for you in our Rückblick zum Bank Innovativ Tag 2024.
Oder du schaust einfach das Video des letzten Jahres an:
When you register for Bank Innovation Day, you will receive further information on hotel accommodation and travel options. Parking is free of charge along Bahnhofstraße. In the evening there will be a joint dinner for all participants.
Do you like to think outside the box, do you want to drive your bank forward, recognize and take advantage of opportunities, expand your network and be inspired by new technologies and possibilities?
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It's off to the next round: Bank Innovative Day 2024 - takes place on July 09 and 10, 2024 in the Workbench32 took place in Mittweida. Great speakers, top network, outstanding and innovative participants. We build on the great experiences of recent years and give you the opportunity to Innovative impulses and insights from and with the partners from our unique Innovation ecosystem.
Our diverse program offers you innovative impulses and insights that will inspire you. The great location - Werkbank32 - creates an inspiring atmosphere for this day full of knowledge and inspiration. The days will revolve around these three topics:
Björn Schmuck - Amberra
Katja Quiram - Union Investment
Thomas Lurch - Union Investment
Hans Schätzle - AWS
Janina Beckett - IBM
Hasan Yilmaz - Microsoft
Philipp Geusendam - R+V
Dr. Maximilian von Geyer - OnePager Lab
René Linek - WG-DATA
Laura Pistorius - Fraunhofer Learning Lab University of Applied Sciences Mittweida
Tobias Oliver Khan - Hypoport
Niclas Kurtz - Hypoport
Benjamin Höfle - Nortal
Christian Arndt - High-Tech Gründerfonds
Marion Mattern - Telescope effect
Prof. Leonard Zintl - Volksbank Mittweida eG
When you register for Bank Innovation Day, you will receive further information on hotel accommodation and travel options. Parking is free of charge along Bahnhofstraße. In the evening there will be a joint dinner for all participants.
Do you like to think outside the box, do you want to drive your bank forward, recognize and take advantage of opportunities, expand your network and be inspired by new technologies and possibilities?
Then register now.
Here you can find the video of the Bank Innovative Day 2023: Bank innovative day 04. & 05.07.2023 I TeleskopEffekt GmbH