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The 7 biggest recruiting challenges for banks and how to overcome them

Discover the key strategies to overcome the labor shortage in the banking and finance industry and put your recruiting on a sustainable path to success.

We'll tell you ...

  • how you can tap into the huge potential of employees who are passively willing to change jobs in other companies and use the know-how about this enormous target group for your own benefit.
  • How to attract the right candidates with optimized, targeted and precise job ads and sustainably increase your application rate.
  • Practical tips for making your career site and application processes lean and mobile-optimized to avoid losing potential employees during the application phase.
  • How to improve your candidate experience and attract top talent with simple, transparent processes and respectful communication.
  • why social media is indispensable for your employer branding and recruiting and how you can use it to increase your reach.

Make your way to a successful future in the HR and recruiting sector

By 2030, companies in the banking and finance sector will lose around 30 % of their workforce through retirement alone. It is therefore essential that you update your recruiting in order to be successful and generate growth in the future.
But the outlook is not as bleak as it seems. Because with the right methods and well thought-out strategies and processes, you can secure the workforce you need.

How? We'll be happy to show you!

Together we will take your recruiting to the next level!

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

Moritz Balzer Project manager