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IHK Chemnitz

The IHK Chemnitz is a regional institution that supports companies in Chemnitz and the surrounding area. Its main activities include consulting, networking, education, training and representation of interests. The mission of the IHK Chemnitz is to promote economic development in the region and its values are competence, integrity, cooperation and innovation.

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The IHK Chemnitz offers comprehensive services for companies in the areas of consulting, education, networking and representation of interests. Special skills lie in industry knowledge and support for international business relationships, innovations and start-up support. It promotes the innovative capacity of companies for a competitive economy and also provides support with digitalization issues. As a contact for environmental protection and sustainable business, it emphasizes the importance of a balanced relationship between ecological goals and economic interests.


The Chemnitz Chamber of Industry and Commerce has launched a new online portal called "Wir für Sie" (We for you) to offer its member companies tailored services. As a regional representative for almost 70,000 companies, the Chemnitz Chamber of Industry and Commerce focuses on three main areas: Representing economic policy interests, sovereign tasks and services for the business community. Two years ago, a service brochure with almost 300 offers was published, and now an online portal has been launched to help companies find relevant offers even more easily and quickly.

Dominik Baumann Managing Director
District of Central Saxony
District of Central Saxony
District of Central Saxony