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Federal Economic Senate visits the workbench32

On Thursday, July 8, representatives from almost 50 SMEs met at Werkbank32 to discuss blockchain.
vor 4 years | from admin
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On Thursday, July 8, representatives from almost 50 SMEs met at Werkbank32 to discuss blockchain. In addition to the Saxon State Minister for Science, Sebastian Gemkow, the Lord Mayor Ralf Schreiber and Jochen Lohse, Director of the Federal Economic Senate East, Dr. Benjamin Zeitler welcomed the guests. In addition to Volksbank Mittweida eG and Hochschule Mittweida eG, the partners of TeleskopEffekt GmbH, IBM Germany, also provided insights into the topics at the blockchain event:

- Use cases of the blockchain 

- Keynote speech "Blockchain - a chain that changes the world?" 

- Blockchain-based corporate financing and payment 

The day was initiated by the BVMW Economic Senate, which is made up of business personalities who are actively involved in shaping the economy, science, culture, politics and media and who want to advance the country.

After the presentations, SMEs were able to discuss the current and future prospects and opportunities of blockchain technology in individual discussions. 

Thomas Otto is responsible for blockchain-based business models at the Mittweida-based credit institution and summarizes: "Blockchain-based financing options for companies are already being expanded today. The developments in electronic certificates, securities and the digital euro are also interesting."

Created by: Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann and Thomas Otto